It is important that all associates adopt the necessary measures and protocols so that their workers and clients cannot be infected in the development of their professional activity by COVID-19.
For this reason, it is important that a person within the organization leads the protocols for action in equestrian tourism outings.
This person, formed by the Association, will be the COVID-19 Responsible Its objectives are to know how to implement a COVID prevention protocol to develop and implement a plan Contingency measures Define prevention measures aimed at people Define preventive measures in processes and facilities.
Prevention Measures against Covid-19 in Equestrian Tourism in the Valencian Community OBJECT: Information and action protocol. This document brings together, without prejudice to current legislation, guidelines and recommendations to be applied by equestrian tourism companies to minimize the risks of contagion of the Covid-19 virus before the reopening of their activity The most common symptoms of this disease are: fever , coughing and feeling short of breath. Other symptoms: tiredness, pain, runny nose, sore throat, headache, diarrhea, vomiting and loss of sense of smell or taste This document does not contemplate the management of other types of risks inherent in tourism activities equestrian activity that can be consulted in the ATECV Manual "How to act in the absence of a vital constant on an equestrian route" The activity will start operating according to the calendar published by the government for each autonomous community, for groups of a maximum of up to ten people, with the due updating of the Civil Responsibility, Accident and Social Security Insurance and by companies registered as active tourism in the corresponding competent administration
The objective of our action is twofold: 1.- Inform the client before their arrival at the equestrian center of the existing hygienic-sanitary measures and those required of the participants, which they must commit at all times to carry out from their entry into the same 2. - Disseminate a protocol of action with the measures to be adopted during the development of the equestrian activity both by the workers, instructors or monitors of the center, as well as those to apply to the participants in the activity. This protocol will be delivered digitally to the workers of the sector. With this measure we pursue that all workers involved in Equestrian Tourism know how to carry out in an effective and orderly manner, both the protocol of protective measures against Covid-19 and the resuscitation maneuvers on a subject who does not breathe or does not have a pulse, to prevent serious internal injuries and even death.Documents and records Customer information: - The company must promote the telematic management of the reservation, payment and customer service.Before the reservation, the customer must be provided with the Declaration of Conformity accepting the security protocol for carrying out activities aimed at avoiding contagion by COVID-19 and the cancellation conditions in case of clients with previous symptoms or at the time of the activity compatible with COVID-19, emphasizing the importance of respecting in all the indications in order to guarantee the hygienic-sanitary safety of workers, users, residents and instal actions of the center where the activities are carried out. The company will determine the protocol of action with clients who do not comply with the required prevention and hygienic-sanitary regulations.
Sanitary precautions: Riders must present themselves, if possible, with their own helmets, masks and personal gloves. The material may not be shared between clients or between workers and clients if it has not been properly disinfected previously (eg helmets, gaiters, vests protectors etc.) Provision of an outside washbasin with soap and require hand washing upon arrival and departure of each person. Hydroalcoholic gel available to all participants. Availability of glove boxes and masks whenever possible. Cleaning and disinfection of the facilities with special attention to doorknobs, counters and tables or other elements. using vinyl gloves, acrylonitrile or latex gloves over a cotton glove, as well as common disinfectants Cleaning and disinfection at least once a day of toilets, taps and doorknobs in toilets that must have bins , if possible with lid and pedal. The toilets will be used by the clients only if it is strictly necessary, proceeding immediately in that case to the cleaning of toilets, taps and door knobs. The riding equipment will be washed and disinfected daily after its use, as well as workwear garments used by workers in contact with customers, which must be washed mechanically in washing cycles between 60 and 90 degrees, preferably with small groups of no more than 6 people and be possible from the same family unit or private groups of acquaintances and friends.Each guide or monitor must present himself with his own material and dedicate himself to a single group.In any case, the use of face shields and masks or cotton handkerchiefs underneath is recommended. visors when it is not possible to keep the interpersonal distance of 2m. inform the client about: how to use the material and equipment, in such a way as to reduce the risk of contagion how to use the facilities (e.g. changing rooms, toilets, if applicable) the need to respect at all times the instructions of the company's workers and all the measures communicated for the correct development of the activity After the activity It is recommended to follow personal contact after the activity with telematic communication.You can request more information through the following form: